Trigger, Harvest and Fertilization

So let me take you back a few days.

Ultrasounds last week were showing very slow progress and as of Thursday the doctor wanted to give the follicles a few more days (which meant ordering more Menopur for overnight delivery).  Following Friday’s ultrasound, which showed a 22 and a bunch of other follicles in the mid-teens, they still figured I’d go another night….maybe sacrificing the lead follicle in hopes of getting a number of the ones that were in their mid-teens to catch up and mature.

But, blood tests showed that my progesterone was starting to rise, which according to The Russian’s Right Hand, indicated that the body was saying, “the time’s come….stop messing with me.”  (she only said “the time’s come” part…..but I think the “stop messing with me” was very much implied).

So we ended up triggering Friday night.

That Menopur I ordered….now sitting in my closet.  Poop.

Sunday morning we went in at 8am for ER (egg retrieval) – we sat awhile….they were uncharacteristically slow with information as to what was going on and when we’d go in… that was a little frustrating.  I mean, at a certain point you’re gowned up, the I.V.’s in and you’re ready to go. Had a different nurse in the room than last time….she seemed to be having…..not her best day.  There was just alot of firmly moving me around and grumbling at me when I wasn’t sitting/standing/leaning/putting my leg exactly as she wanted.

Luckily the aesthetician kept being jokey jokey so I just focussed on him.

They confirmed my identity, the doc came in and then I was out.

And then I was awake. We only got 5 eggs. Clearly not what we’d hoped for, but better than nothing….especially given that by Friday night’s trigger when I thought the doc actually wanted more time, I was kind of wondering if there was ANYTHING in there to work with.

The same nurse who was not on her best day came in with the above news and kept saying, “when and if there’s a transfer.” I mean, she must have said it 3-4 times.  Does she not realize that one of us is just coming out of anesthesia to the news that she only made 5 eggs and SHE IS FUCKING FRAGILE?!?!  Lie to me a little, or at least choose your words, and for Pete’s sake, stop saying IF!

Horsed down a potato bagel with cream cheese and jam on the drive home and crashed out hard on the couch for the rest of the afternoon.  Randomly watched a mess of Frasier Season 1 on Netflix once I came to….and then of course waited around for the Breaking Bad finale.  Though, I also found Season 4, Episode 2 of Downton Abbey which has now started in the U.K. – there’s no friggin way I can wait until January when it’ll air here in the States.

So now it’s today and I was waiting and waiting to hear the fertilization report. I even cleaned the refrigerator to kill time. Finally got the call that of the 5, 3 were mature and 2 fertilized….so now we wait some more to see what happens with them and if we’ve got something to transfer. (Thanks nurse for planting the “When And If” seed).  The nurse told me that the doc would be in later today and perhaps she’d make a decision already this afternoon or tomorrow at the latest.

We keep telling ourself that it only takes one.

Though shit, it would’ve been nice to have a bazillion options!

We just need one scrappy enough to keep dividing, make the transfer, get in there and HANG THE FUCK ON!!!!

Hopefully we’ll hear something soon…..but for now:


One thought on “Trigger, Harvest and Fertilization

  1. WTF…..Ahhhhhh hope you transfer soon sista! I’m waiting for D Day on Wed or Thurs to find out if we do a FET 😦 Hoping the RUSSIAN has some good news for me. Best wishes to your 2 that fertilized!

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